Thursday, March 3, 2016

History of Our Foursquare Part 1

The History of Our Foursquare Part 1:

Our home has an interesting history.  It is registered in the National Register of Historic Homes, and like the other homes in the historic district, it has a plaque on the front of it stating this honor.  With the plaque comes an understanding and responsibility by the homeowner that whenever possible the original character of the home needs to be considered and reflected in the renovations.  When certain renovations are done we can apply for a tax deduction/discount.  The reason this is in place is because keeping original character is a more expensive process. Some homeowners have cut corners over the years and put modern things in our historic home (like ceiling fans in the upstairs bedrooms) but for the most part the home is in tact. I am not an expert in old homes, but it is my goal to research and attempt to highlight the original character of our home whenever possible.

Over its 100 year history our home has undertaken many renovations, but the biggest was when it was picked up from its location near the Kress library and carefully moved down Broadway in De Pere and set down in its current location. Here is a photo of the home being prepared for the move.  You can see that a large porch was removed.  What I wouldn't give for a porch that extended the entire length of the front of our home. We spend many summer nights on our front porch waiving to friends as they drive by and honk. The great thing about moving the home in the 60's is that we have a poured just don't find that in 100 year old homes.

Thank you to the owner who moved our home.  I would have been biting my nails the whole time.  How did they do that?  See image below.  You can see the house being moved right down Broadway.  Thank you Joe Seroogy for sending me this great photo!


  1. How interesting! I didn't know it had been moved! It makes my heart go pitter-pat to know there are other people in this generation who have a love and appreciation for old homes. I would always prefer to live in an old home. Can't wait to read more! :)

  2. Yep, Some people want to take down old homes, but I look at the photo from the move and think...oh that poor old home, I need to fix it and bring it back to life!
